Tuesday, January 21

A Five Month Old with a Broken Femur

Not to be outdone by his brothers, Keaton has a broken femur and an awesome cast. I fell down a few stairs while carrying him on my hip and his little leg got crunched behind me. It's an incomplete break, luckily, so he'll only be in (an adorable) baby cast for another two weeks. But in case you weren't sure, it's heartbreaking to have broken your child. Like so sad.

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But how cute are little baby hospital gowns?? Much like when Braden fractured his leg on the slide--it didn't take long to figure out that something was really wrong with my baby. He cried for about 20 minutes (sad, panicky cries) and then was ok as long as I was holding him. But if I tried to set him down--oh, the look of betrayal on his face and the heartbreaking cries. I eventually figured out it was just the right leg that was bothering him--I couldn't get him to nurse all day because it hurt for him to be on his side. So we went to the ER, where he proceeded to charm and grin at all the staff.

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Also I started cloth diapering again because I could not handle how much poop was exploding out of his diaper. Come on, baby! The x-ray showed a break in his femur--and so he got a baby cast. Which was not as traumatic as it would be for the average mother since Finley had a dozen casts in the first few months of his life, thanks to the clubfoot. I didn't take many pictures of Finley's casts, so we had to have a little photoshoot with K's to remember it. He's now been upgraded to a softer red cast that he'll have for the next two weeks. Everyone keeps telling me how fast babies heal, and I'm grateful God made them that way. And how quickly they forgive--he loves me as much as ever. (I am worried he'll hold this over me in his teens--that his mama broke his leg...)

But all in all, he's doing well. He's pretty much back to his regular self--he's rolling around on the floor and being a champ. He hasn't been sleeping well (and he wasn't in the first place, if you scroll down a post) and I can't bring myself to think of sleep training a kid in a cast. So he gets another two weeks of hanging out with mom all night. I'm not sure how the cast has this power over him, but for some reason he just wakes up in the middle of the night and is ready to play, rather than eating and quickly going back to sleep. I keep reminding myself: this too shall pass.


  1. I had already forgotten about Braden's leg. Geesh. Being a mom to boys is a lot of work.

    1. Margaret broke her arm on a book in her room. I think girls might be just as hard!

  2. I'm sorry that happened Rachel. So traumatic for Mommy. I'm glad he is his smiley self again.

  3. Wow, Rachel. What a tough situation. I cannot imagine . . . except that I am glad it is his leg, and that you did not drop him like a friend of ours did. Similar situation, but he fell down the stairs frontwards and dropped the baby. Again, good thing for soft heads and quick healing, that little guy is fine, too. God made them resilient for a reason! And if you didn't have pictures, he would never remember that it happened :) Keeping you in our prayers!

  4. First of all, I'm a creepy stalker who has been reading your blog for a long time, and we've never met. But I totally feel like I know you! ...sorry if that's weird. Secondly, I'm sorry to hear about poor Keaton's leg! Poor baby! But his cast is super cute! Third of all, what kind of cloth diaper is he wearing there? I love the snaps! Also, when my son is in disposables his poop goes everywhere and I hate it. Fourth of all, I'll be praying that Keaton heals quickly! Have a great week!

    1. I love creepy stalkers! Thanks so much for your sweet words and prayers. They are the basic BumGenius ones--but I had the velcro replaced with snaps when it became a disaster. Also, we must have the same taste in TV shows--your GIFs are like, amazing. Love them all.

    2. Usually when your baby explodes out of disposables it is because you had them in a size too small #disposableexpert #stalkthestalker

    3. I just checked the weight on the old Pampers and Keaton can definitely move up to size 3 which makes me want to curl up and cry. Also, his butt crack is like a luge. Stuff just shoots up out of that thing. #olympicreference

    4. Ha! I'm glad you love creepy stalkers, for real. Since I feel like I know you, I figured you would! And thanks about the GIFs! I love them too much. We moved Gibson up to size four diapers and they still leak poo...he must have a butt crack like a luge, too. It's gross. Also, now I want to replace the snaps on my BGs with pretty colored ones! Because that's cute for real.

      Also, the first time I ever thought about cloth diapering (WAY before my son was even thought of) was when I watched the video where you put a cloth diaper on a bear. And now I love using cloth so so much! So, good job spreading the fluffy love!

  5. But seriously Rach, I am sure this broke your heart and I've been praying for you all! So glad he'll be out of a cast soon, that seems so fast! It will be a great human interest story when he wins the Boston Marathon in 20 years.


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