Wednesday, January 30


A common theme of the emails Victoria and I have been sending each other lately is GRACE. Giving ourselves grace. And at this point in my life, I have to keep reminding myself that it's ok that my life isn't Pinterest Perfect.  I'm constantly feeling like I'm falling short.  I'm too tired to make awesome, fancy healthy meals so we eat out or have totally lame dinners.  I'm like 3 letters behind in our preschool curriculum. I can't make it to the gym as much as I want to and have guilt when I do make it because Braden doesn't love the nursery. The house is perpetually messy even though I really do try to keep it cleanish. And I'd really like to blog a few more life moments for the boys--but I have been a terrible photographer and have a hard time blogging without a photo. And I'm a little behind with some of my RV Parties goals. So the thing is, sometimes I expect a lot of myself. And it kills me a bit when I can't do what I want to do. I'm fairly sure I can blame it almost entirely on this new baby sucking the life from me--compounded with a cold that's knocked me out a bit too.  I told Sol the other day that it should be against the rules for pregnant ladies to get sick. They have enough to deal with already.

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Feel free to pin these images if you are looking for home office inspiration! Posting these will hopefully encourage me try to find a home for everything... I really need my very own office. Please Sol? Also, it's ok to laugh at the mess. And/or shake your head at me. 

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So last night, I watched TV while laying on the couch--something I never do.  Oh I watch plenty of TV--but only while I fold laundry/pick up the house/fill Etsy orders/write blog posts.  Laying on the couch while doing NOTHING makes me feel terrible guilt. But I was so tired, and real talk: Happy Endings was so funny. Every bit of it.

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Save me, Mickey Mouse!

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So here's my new reminder for myself: I will hold myself to a standard of grace, not perfection. This is not my whole life, it's just a season of it. To remind me (and Vic! Surprise! I'm a lousy secret keeper!) I bought us these matching prints for our offices. Also it will force us to go on an IKEA trip when she visits in March. It was also hard not to do what I always want to do--which is make it myself since I own both (pricey) fonts used.  But I certainly don't have a printer that prints gold foil, so the Emily Ley version won out.

So give yourself some grace and remember: your office is not as messy as mine.


  1. This post makes me smile because when I read your blog I often think, I wish I could be more like Rachel with her awesome crafts, DIY projects, blog of memories and memorable parties for the boys. Also, when you said you never lay on the couch and watch TV I felt a bit lazy because I do that for at least an hour most week nights.

    I always tell myself as long as Everett feels very loved and is fairly healthy/happy plus I'm living in the moment while he is young I'm doing ok. :)

    You are doing just fine Rachel.

    1. I think that's the important thing to remember about every pin on Pinterest, status on FB, or blog post--it's the best moment that that person has chosen to share. I read something somewhere about not comparing your behind the scenes with someone else's highlight reel. It's easy to share the creative pretty things about your day and harder to share my baby with no pants and the pit of mess that is my office. :)

      And I do have a problem with being still--I need to try to do that. Just be still.

  2. Beautiful post and encouraging reminder!

  3. YES. You've got it right. Grace is vital in our transitional seasons. So is self-care and love. Sounds like you started on that last night. Good going, pal!

  4. I LOVE this post...I feel most of those emotions for a lot of the same reasons...a is nice to know I'm not alone!

  5. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THAT PRINT. And I love this post. Glad you shared your heart. AND you didn't even tell me you were going to write this! AND WAIT till March and I'll help clean this room AND your closet. And thanks for impulse buying those prints since I"m not shopping right now.

    1. Thanks for always making me feel like I'm the best.

  6. So, SERIOUSLY!? I might go on a bit of a rant but WHY do we as women always think we're not doing enough!?

    One of my favorite things in the world is to make fun of myself for sucking at so much stuff. I suck at remembering most everything. I suck at doing dishes. I suck at being on time. I suck at putting myself to bed and often fall asleep on the couch - in my clothes - after having watched LOTS of TV without anything else going on. I suck at consistently cooking meals - and cleaning - and laundry - and playing with my kids as much as I should - and NOT buying myself more clothes.

    And I'm awesome.

    So, you're good.

    Favorite picture? Messy office with pantless child. It's perfect.

    1. I think it's because we're constantly surrounded by images of women doing MORE--even if it isn't accurate. But yes, the list of things I'm terrible at is long. I hate washing dishes. Putting away laundry. I'm terrible at not checking my email. I think letting other people know that you know you aren't the best is probably pretty healthy! (That sentence made no sense.) As soon as we think we have it all together, I'm sure it will fall apart.

      Also, Braden is still not wearing pants. I did make scones though, because I thought that would make this day a little more valid.

  7. Beautiful honest post. You spoke the words of every mother that I have ever known. No worries, I will come to VA and "mother" you, so you can rest.

  8. pinned it! LOL LOL LOL. most of our houses look like this. it's called "normal"

    1. Or... Hoarding. Also, I'll unfriend you in like 60 ways if you pin it.

    2. I really did almost pin it. It's a good post about grace. :-)

    3. You can pin the grace part, just not the office organization tips. :)

  9. Very thoughtful, truthful words you got here. I commend you for striving for grace, I need to do this more often myself. I do think it's a woman thing-trying to be everything to everyone, 24/7, plus not taking into account your own health changes and how that influences all other categories of life. Hope you enjoyed your tv night a little bit, you deserve it. :)

  10. Thank goodness you are human like the rest of us. I have said for years that as an avid blog reader, I have no idea how you do the superhuman things you do. I take comfort in a messy office and still greatly admire all that you accomplish!

    1. I mean, I normally post all the things I do do (hee hee) not all the things I don't do. So it makes me look good. But I do pride myself on being fairly efficient when I'm in my prime!

  11. Ahh, as your mom says many of us women who have mothered have walked in your shoes. Actually, I am very happy to see you let your hair down a bit. Understand that perfection has its place but not in the terms of us whipping ourselves into a frenzy. Grace also is a gift. We do receive it and know of it when we make time to be quiet. Love yourself and those babies. And maybe it is time for you to hire an employee!

    1. I feel like I could outsource a lot now that I think about it... housecleaning, laundry, cooking, babysitting... I'd just need several more jobs to support that so it may backfire!

    2. You're funny! Maybe a little of that for a short term wouldn't be all that bad. Too bad we have the distance factor otherwise we could lend a hand.

  12. Love this. You are the most efficient and productive person I know, but I'm glad to hear that you're allowing yourself some grace (even if your most grace-filled day still beats my most productive day :)). I'm pretty sure a life well-lived isn't as much about what we accomplish but about how we do it... Love you!

    1. UPDATE: I had coffee this morning and am like a madwoman. I mean the house is still a mess, but I've tried on all my coats, wrote a book with Finley and am planning on putting away some groceries. PROGRESS!!!

      But thanks Kristin. :) I seriously have been laying on the couch a lot, so I'm not sure that's doing it right... but this too shall pass.

  13. I love this post. It's so good. My heart rejoiced seeing someone else's workspace that looks a whole lot like a lot of areas of my life right now, too. Ha ha. Love the honesty, and the truth behind this is something that everyone struggles with. I also totally agree with what you wrote in one of the comments -- that anything posted online is the very BEST of someone's life (and often, a fabrication of the truth). It's a deceiving place to hang out. Thanks for writing this. I need to start a personal blog.

    1. YES YOU DO NEED A BLOG. Of all people, you know how important it is to have your story written down!


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