Tuesday, February 28


Do you like the way I used the correct Swedish characters in the title?  Nothing's impossible when you have Google. And God.  Half of that statement is straight out of the Bible.

We've been all over the place lately, so this post is just kind of a smörgåsbord of what's been going on.  My camera has been lonely--for some reason I've only been taking pictures of Braden eating, which is exciting only to me.  Sorry friends.

Copper got another haircut.  I know.  He was fighting it as soon as he realized what he was in for.  I mean he was the laughingstock of the neighborhood and the internet last time--so he was not going to allow that to happen to himself again without a fight.  It turned out fine--he looks less scraggly and more like a pup.  And fortunately, not like a bald pup.  

Here he is doing his best "Angelina's right leg." #OSCARjoke

I think I mentioned in this a previous post--but my dad had the super awesome idea of making plates with states on them and last night I sold an entire set.  OF FIFTY NIFTY STATES.  I'm thrilled.  Here's the set I made for my parents for Christmas.  They move a lot.  

And my favorite picture lately--Finley on the pot with his monkeys.  He's gotten to the phase where he plays with the monkeys.  They have to wear a jacket, or take a nap or sit with him on the potty.  It's a highly entertaining phase.  The only reason Finley is smiling in this picture is that he demanded that I go get the camera to take a picture of him with his monkeys.


  1. Wow, I can't believe you sold 50 plates in 1 order!!!!! That is an Etsy miracle! Was there any explanation?

  2. Congrats!! LOVE them! Maybe you should make country plates...:)

  3. Got another chuckle out of your opening line today. Seriously. And love the Finn photo!

  4. Is it me or did Copper's last haircut seem more interesting? Weird, but interesting. We counted your family's plates and we would need the same number and would have 2 plates in common with the Grimmers. Of course then there are the satellite states that the next generation has added to the set...

  5. You make plates? Cool! Where have I been? Not stalking enough, apparently.


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