Monday, March 28

37 Weeks

Officially full term.

This is about when I stopped running last pregnancy--but I've decided to keep going a little longer in hopes that I can coax little mister to coming early.  I mean, not really early.  Just like, it would be fun if I didn't have to be induced this time around.  My hip joints are starting to feel a little stretchy when I run (and let's be honest, it's less of a run and more of a mosey) but it feels good to get out and move around.  Knowing that I'm not supposed to run for 6 weeks after the baby comes makes me want to get in just a few more runs now.  Yes, I know I am crazy. I'm ok with that.

My last appointment went well--I'm going to try to schedule being induced on April 11th or 12th.  He's due the 13th, but I'm really not so in to waiting this time.  My doctor said my ankles were lovely--no swelling.  I've kind of stopped gaining weight--I think I got large very early and haven't put on any pounds in the last month.

Although clearly, I have gotten bigger.  That thing is out of control.

But pretty much that's it.  I have a really hard time sleeping and my back hurts.  And I have heartburn.  And a small person continually kicking the right side of my body.  But other than that, no complaints.


  1. I'm glad you have photos that prove you got bigger. Especially because you didn't believe it happened. Come on baby!

  2. I love the pics! I can't believe you are still are my hero. :)

  3. you are so cute. i don't stop gaining weight at any point in the the last day i put on 2lbs for good measure. can't wait to meet this peanut!

  4. Can we get a video of you running/moseying?

  5. oh my! love your belly in the last pic! also, if you could just hold off until april 16th, we could share a birthday and that'd be swell. Thanks!;)

  6. Can't wait for baby #2! Yay!!

  7. Although you have heartburn, kicking, and back pain, you have a really cute non-maternity maternity shirt from Loft. So, that's a win, right? :)

  8. Baby girl likes to kick the left side of my body at night. :) So happy for you!!! Can't wait to see pictures of baby boy 2!

  9. The fact that your hair gets SHORTER in each pictures makes it seem like your belly is EVEN bigger. Fancy optical illusion.

  10. I vote for April 12, that is Noah's birthday and he'd LOVE to share it with your little tike. =)

    Too cute silly goose!

  11. You crazy running momma! ;) You look fab! ROCK ON!


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