Finley is 15 months old!
I'm so happy to get to spend the summer with him--and I feel like he is learning and changing so much lately!
Summer has thrown off our schedule a little, but he sleeps about 13 hours a night and takes a nap for just over an hour in afternoon. I'm grateful for how late he sleeps in.
I'm trying to introduce lots of new foods that he might like since he's not a great eater--last night he chowed down on peas, tofu and hummus. Now doesn't that sound great? He's a little guy--after dropping to the 0 percentile for weight last week, he's back around the 4th percentile. He's a very active guy and loses interest in eating pretty quickly. I started giving him Pediasure last week and the pediatrician recommended toddler formula as another option--anyone have experience with either of these? His height and head remain average--he's just skinny!
New Tricks
Finley loves to carry stuff around and put things away. I love it when I find the remote in our bed, the baby monitor in the guest room and his toy zebra in the tv cabinet. He's a little organizer.
He's getting better at walking all the time and can finally get to standing on his own. He loves to blow kisses and wave to people. And he definitely inherited his daddy's dance skills.
His vocabulary is pretty limited (mama, dada, banana, night-night) but he likes to mimic what we say and make up little tunes to sing (his favorite is going ah-mm ah-mm over and over.)
He's a doll. We're suffering from some stranger anxiety--he doesn't like anyone to hold him but us (and Victoria) and gets nervous that we are going to leave him if we go some place new. I think I've said it a million times--he's a joy and a blessing, everyday.
Here's his stats.
Height: 31 inches (50%)
Weight: 20 lbs 4 oz (4%)
Head: 18.5 inches (50%)
(These pictures were taken on three different cameras last week. Most pictures are courtesy of Katherine, Finley makes very silly faces for her camera.)